Over Easter I learnt to crochet from my awesome Aunty Annie. It was just basic crochet but it wasn't as hard as I imagined; and I don't know why I'd put so many road blocks in the way. Before you read any further I have to warn you I'm a Blythe doll tragic! And my bank account is looking rather tragic due to these cute little dolls! I actually made a doll hat (for my Blythe of course!), which I was most happy with for my first project.
Still I'd love to be able to make something like this. Such nice stiching and look at all those delicious colours. I think I'll have to work my way up to that one day! However the lovely Lucy of Attic24 has provided a very detailed tutorial for anyone interested in making this georgeous hexie creation.....
I so heart this! Jenni xx