I remember making little matchbox houses with mini dolls in them with my best friend when I was a kid. I had so much fun making some with my kids recently, and was amazed at how much they liked playing with them!
I used the slightly larger size matchbox to base the house on, and got my kids to colour in the outsides for the house. My daughter went one step further and decorated the wrong side of her elder brothers paper (much to his dismay!), while it was lying around waiting to be photographed. I thought it was so cute I didn't want to glue it down and lose it so I used it to decorate the inside of her mini house:).
I also made some mini monsters to live in them out of felt, in their favourite colours of course! They are a bit fiddly due to their size and blanket stiching around their shape but so cute and worth it.
Ssshh my faourite is my daughter Alisha's, are we mum's allowed to have favourites? I just love her little pictures and the way she'll draw on any paper lying around the place, it used to be annoying now it's a sweet surprise.
Have fun:) Jenni xx
They turned out really great. Think I might have to try a couple of those myself for the girls.